Monday 10 August 2009

We Passed!

Last Thursday after some exciting drifting around Blakeney harbour (no breeze at 7am), and a slightly more exciting prize giving (we won our class), I had a phone call from Dave with the news that I had been hoping for. The Building Inspector had paid a visit to the clinic and was very pleased with what we (OK, Dave) had done with the building. He especially liked the disabled parking space, now complete with its markings. That is the last visit from the Building Inspector as he has signed the clinic off and now all systems are go, to get it finally ready for use.

By the time that I arrived back in Harby on Sunday, Dave had already left as he is working away for a couple of weeks. Before even unloading the camper van, I unlocked the clinic door to see the changes that had been wrought. Fantastic. The flooring and the door now work together. The sinks are in and hot water comes out of the taps! The internal doors have been hung and just need painting.

So once I have finished the huge piles of washing that always accompany me home after a week of sailing, I shall be grabbing a paint brush and setting to with great vigour. There really is light at the end of the tunnel.
As for sailing at North West Norfolk Week’s 60th Anniversary Event, Sam and I won one race, had a second and a couple of thirds and came third overall in our class. The most satisfying part of it was that we sailed to the very best of our ability and did not fail to sail any races due to ill health (bad backs or hangovers) or equipment failure, although a piece of string was needed to hold the mast in place for the last two races whilst at Snettisham. The photos were taken at Kings Lynn on the River, one of the muddier venues!

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