The Grand Opening of the clinic is this Friday, how did that get here so quickly? Getting ready for it has been harder than painting the ceilings and much much harder than a full day of massage!

However the house is pretty tidy, thanks to Mum, several people have been commissioned to bake cakes, I pick the glasses up tomorrow and Sainsburys are delivering the wine in the morning. (Internet supermarket shopping is so much easier). A gorgeous arrangement of flowers have been delivered courtesy of Flowers by Suzanne and it now sits next to my new work computer that Jason Herrick put together for me. Thank you, Jason.
I think that I have sent out approximately 200 invitations, and more by email and Facebook, so hopefully there should be a good crowd. Ade has done a great job of calming my nerves tonight and persuading me that it is all a bit of fun, so I am determined to believe him.
My one regret is that Dave won't be here on Friday to receive the official thanks for all his hard work. I think he is secretly quite pleased to be well out of it. He has experienced my organising things before and knows they can mean hard work for him! I promise that I will take him for a good night out when he returns from Southampton or Scotland or wherever it is this time.
Anyway only a few more bits of sorting out to do (I think) and a very short speech to write and I should be ready. Oh no, I've got to decide what to wear. Help!!!!