Monday, 28 September 2009

What a Grand Opening!

What a Fantastic Day! The day of the Grand Opening was one that I will never forget. So many people turned up to look around the clinic that I was really grateful that I had my ‘kitchen elves’ on hand to help. Mum (Sheila), Mum in law (Doris) and friend, Leona all did sterling works serving Coffee and Cakes and selling raffle tickets for the Macmillan Nurses Fund Raiser that we ran at the same time. We estimate that around 60 people came in total over the day, which was fabulous, and loads of others rang or emailed with good wishes. Thank you to everybody, especially to those who donated cakes and prizes, we have raised over £200 for the Macmillan Nurses.

It was lovely to meet Sue Chan at last. She is the clever person who came up with the name of 'Body & Sole'. We had spoken two or three times on the phone so felt that we already knew each other and we had great fun posing for photos. I did give a short speech and I really hope that I managed to thank every one who had been involved in the project. Sue then graciously cut the ribbon and pronounced ‘Body & Sole’ open, hoping that the clinic would live up to its name and bring many Bodies and Soles through the door. Thank you Sue.

I do hope that anyone who hasn’t yet managed to visit and have the tour of the clinic will one day pop in to see me. I will be pleased to see you, and very proud to show you round.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Only Two Days To Go

The Grand Opening of the clinic is this Friday, how did that get here so quickly? Getting ready for it has been harder than painting the ceilings and much much harder than a full day of massage!

However the house is pretty tidy, thanks to Mum, several people have been commissioned to bake cakes, I pick the glasses up tomorrow and Sainsburys are delivering the wine in the morning. (Internet supermarket shopping is so much easier). A gorgeous arrangement of flowers have been delivered courtesy of Flowers by Suzanne and it now sits next to my new work computer that Jason Herrick put together for me. Thank you, Jason.

I think that I have sent out approximately 200 invitations, and more by email and Facebook, so hopefully there should be a good crowd. Ade has done a great job of calming my nerves tonight and persuading me that it is all a bit of fun, so I am determined to believe him.

My one regret is that Dave won't be here on Friday to receive the official thanks for all his hard work. I think he is secretly quite pleased to be well out of it. He has experienced my organising things before and knows they can mean hard work for him! I promise that I will take him for a good night out when he returns from Southampton or Scotland or wherever it is this time.

Anyway only a few more bits of sorting out to do (I think) and a very short speech to write and I should be ready. Oh no, I've got to decide what to wear. Help!!!!

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Map to Body & Sole

Ok, I admit defeat with the embedding for the map. Ade very kindly told me how to do the embedding but for some reason I can't get the link to work. If you go to and type in NG23 7EB then you will find the map to the clinic. So that is nearly as good.

I have been away for the weekend (on another fabulous No Hands Massage course where we spent a lot of time talking about colons and how to massage them! We did some other types of massage as well and I can honestly say that I have never had such fabulous massages. Fancy some of that? Give me a call).

Anyway, I digress. I have suddenly realised that it is less than two weeks to the Grand Opening and there is loads to do. I have to get the guest list sorted and the invitations done. We need a ribbon to cut and some wine to drink.... and I am doing the Macmillan Coffee morning on the same day as well. On top of all that my diary is completely full of client bookings. Which is excellent of course and I am not complaining, it is just tricky when it comes to delivering invitations.

So I had better get back to doing the guest list!

Monday, 7 September 2009

And the Winner is....

Tan tan tara!!!!
And the winner of the Name the Clinic Contest is Sue Chan with her suggestion
Body and Sole
Runner up is Annie Wright who came up with the same name but a couple of days later

Well done to all the entrants and thank you for all your efforts. It was fun hearing and reading them. Both Sue and Annie have been invited to the Grand Opening on the 25th Sept at 3pm and Sue will be cutting the ribbon.

You are, of course, invited too and I shall be making a day of it. As you may know I have run a Macmillan Nurses Coffee Day for the past couple of years as a charity event and have decided to combine it with the Grand Opening. The format this year will be -

10am Stalls and Drinks available.
( Phoenix Cards, Jewellery, Virgin Vie, Garden Mirrors and Dangly Doo’s, Raffle, secondhand books ) (As always cake, raffle prize and book donations gratefully accepted)
3pm Grand Opening
7pm Virgin Vie Demonstration

I have also invited other local businesses to bring leaflets showing what they do, so there should be a lot going on that day.
Please do come along and bring friends and family. You are welcome at any time between 10am and 9.30pm on the 25th Sept 2009.

IMPORTANT In order that I can get enough glasses for the bubbly for the Grand Opening, please could you let me know whether you are coming to the 3pm celebration by Monday 21 Sept.
Hopefully there will be a map embedded into this post soon but in the meantime the address is Body and Sole, Lime Grove Clinic, High Street, Harby, Newark, Notts NG23 7EB