Sunday 5 July 2009

Both Dulux and Crown will send out A5 colour samples if you go to their websites which saves painting the walls but does mean that you can’t mix white with them to get a lighter shade, however it is narrowing the choices. By the way Crown charge a small fee for the service and limit you to five colours, whereas the Dulux service is free.

Whilst I have been collecting colour charts and flooring samples, Dave has been hard at work with some tarmac. He has created a lovely disabled car parking space right next to the door. Not many of my current clients need this facility but the planning stipulated that it should be there so it is. There needs to be a person in a wheelchair painted onto it and that will probably be my job. I wonder if I can put a smiley face on it. I love these projects where I learn so much about new skills….. and Dave learns the new skills!

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