Monday, 3 May 2010

Where do you get your Support from?

I recently had to do some ‘homework’ for my No Hands Massage Course and it got me thinking about how essential Support is for all of us. I have found that Support is a very important part of running my business and has become more essential as the business and I grow and expand. Then I thought a bit deeper and decided that in fact it is not just support from others that is important but also from myself.

Support from others comes in a variety of ways and I have found it both in areas linked directly to my work, and also in areas that are more to do with my domestic life, which then frees me up to concentrate on the business. I have someone to iron for me and am looking for a cleaner so that when I finish work I do actually have some personal time. The ironing is paid for in Chiropody treatments and I am pursuing a cleaner who would work for massage. More directly involved with the business is the lady who does my computer inputting and filing, this time in exchange for Reflexology. The reciprocal arrangement works well for me as I prefer to carry out the treatments rather than iron or file.  I am a firm believer in everyone doing what they enjoy and are good at, because it makes life run so much more smoothly. After all a spade can dig a hole but using a digger is more sensible if you need foundations for a house!

Support from self is more intangible but I have created contracts with myself about the amount of time off, hours worked and the length and frequency of daily breaks. They are variable but these are areas that were neglected for a long time until I realised that putting me first is actually more effective in the long run. I also try to support myself by making one task serve several needs. For instance this article has served as the basis for not only the No Hands Massage ‘homework’ and as this blog entry, but will possibly become a submission to  Adrian Green who is collating a book about ‘Running your Own Business’, suitably rewritten of course. He did ask that it should be pertinent to my business. Whether it is what he wants remains to be seen.

I also support my body by feeding it the best possible foods and nutrients that I can, and to this end I have recently signed up to Nature’s Sunshine who supply excellent supplements and vitamins. Having read around the subject it is apparent that even if you eat all the Organic stuff that you can, there are still mineral and vitamin deficiencies in them so it makes sense to take supplements too. Exercise is important too but mine comes from walking, sailing, dancing and massage rather than pumping iron or running miles. Doing what pleases me works much better.  By supporting my body in this way I am more assured that it will support me in what I want to do.

So to sum up, look around for where you need support and then be creative about how you get it, don’t assume that you have to do everything yourself, but remember that eating nutritional food and exercising in a way that pleases you is supporting a body that can then support you.

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