Saturday, 20 February 2010

Gloom or Happiness

Most of you already realise that I do not watch the news on a regular basis because I find it depressing and downright misleading most of the time. So when I found this extract from an article written by Caitriona Kenny I thought that it highlighted some of the positive reasons for not listening to the gloom and doom from the news.

These are some statistics from a web site that looks stats from around the World and helps to dis-illusion the hapless fears told to us on a daily basis.

If you have loose change lying around in your car or home or handbag, you are in the top 8% of ‘wellprovided people in this world’.

If you have a bank account guess what? You’ll also be in the top 8% of ‘well-provided people’ for having one!

If there is a meal in your refrigerator, if you are dressed and have got shoes, if you have a bed and a roof above your head – you are better off than 75% of people in this world!

And remember, out of the millions of sperm swimming for the egg… You won! You got Life! And if a sense of direction fails you now… know that at least once before, you found your way and created the miracle that is you.

Caitriona is a multi-talented creator who writes for the Tipperary Times. She’s a singer/songwriter, a photographer, and a selfactualization learning technique
coach. See

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