Monday, 24 January 2011

Repeating The Moment

I have just returned from repeating the very first NO HANDS massage course that I ever attended. I had decided to do it simply for fun and did not really expect to gain much for myself in the way of furthering my massage. How wrong I was!

For the past two years I have been learning more and more about NO HANDS massage and it had been fairly intensive at times, though always with the bonus of receiving incredible touch at some stage during each course. By the middle of last year I had decided that I needed a break from the courses, partly because I felt that I should concentrate on other areas of my business for a while, and partly because of the (perceived) intensity. However I knew the Transforming Touch course is both more relaxed and only £99 + VAT for 3 days which is a real bargain. So I signed up.

I was looking forward to seeing a few people that I knew because the NO HANDS company encourage repeaters. Sure enough there were a few familiar faces but wisely we were asked to mingle with the newcomers rather than stick to familiarity and that was excellent advice. I loved meeting people who were in a similar place to where I was two years ago, with some of the same questions that I’d had, and some that I had not thought to ask but was pleased to hear the answers to. It was really exciting to watch them begin to unwrap the present of NO HANDS, some struggling with the sticky tape now and again, but then ripping through the paper to find the next layer. And it was great to be able to feel the first tentative touches blossom into massages of grace and depth.

Right from the start I found new layers of knowledge for myself. I realise now that there is so much information given on that course that it is almost impossible to take it all in the first time around. NO HANDS also continually refine their teaching methods so it is often the case that the same move or technique is being taught in a completely different way and new nuances arise.

Most importantly I am also a different person to the one I was two years ago, and I came to the course looking for different things. I was relaxed and fairly confident in how I massage. I was really looking for fun and found it but I also found more knowledge and motivation than I thought possible.

This experience brought it home to me that every moment is new, and I am new in every moment. So it is entirely possible to repeat the same things over and over again and reap very different outcomes, or the same ones if that is what I choose. I look forward to applying that to other areas of my life too.